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Wednesday, March 08, 2006 Visits EA Tiburon - Preview

Here is wat Blue Tights had to say about thier visit to EA Triburon... lucky them!

Last weekend, EA Tiburon invited to their facility to take a sneak peek at the upcoming Superman Returns: The Video Game. As the first 'civilian' ever invited onto the company's "Superman Floor," I am happy to report that this game looks like a winner. EA Tiburon has a very keen awareness of what they're up against - stereotypes about both licensed games, and Superman games of the past. They've gone to great lengths to turn everything from the past on it's head and deliver an engaging experience where the player truly gets to be Superman. In the coming weeks, I'll be bringing you reports full of great details on the game, including my thoughts on gameplay, weaving a game story around a film, sound design, and how EA made Superman's powers not only easy to use, but really fun to use. Keep checking back to for the most in depth coverage of Superman Returns: The Video Game.

Superman Returns: The Video Game is due out June 28th.

Check out the Games Trailer HERE


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