The Video Game - Metropolis Part 2
In our continuing behind the scenes coverage of the development of Superman Returns: The Video Game, we start this time with more great conceptual art for the city of Metropolis. The model to the right is a large plaster mockup of the gameplay area created by the game's Art Director. The model represents an area slightly larger than the area which you can play in as Superman. The large island towards the middle of the model is Metropolis itself, surrounded on all sides by water.
This second model is a more detailed version of the city itself, designed to give game programmers an idea of the sheer density of the city they're dealing with. The model also illustrates how the city was designed to be experienced vertically. Instead of everything existing on a single plane, the island is made up of multiple tiers, allowing for varied and interesting flight experiences as you soar around the city you've sworn to protect. Below you can view three details of the Metropolis model, constructed of plaster and balsa wood.
Being the first open world game to allow the player to move vertically and horizontally, Metropolis is specifically designed for fun at all levels. Objects at all levels are interactive. You can pick up cars to hurl at your enemies, or fly to the top of the GNN building and commandeer one of their broadcasting satellite dishes for the greater good of distributing beat-downs to villains in need.
Metropolis is more than just your sanbox in this game, though. It's your constant mission. As Superman, you're sworn to protect the people of this great city. Previous games have always given Superman a life meter, and we all know that simply won't do for Superman. Staying true to the ways of the comics, in Superman Returns: The Video Game, you're not fighting for your own life, but for those in the city around you. As you battle your opponents, a "City Health" meter on your screen monitors how much damage they are inflicting on their surroundings.
With Metropolis fate always at stake, you're forced to make the REAL decisions of a Superman. No more can you afford to play it safe to recharge your health and fight another day. You will be faced constantly with decisions that seperate the boys from the Supermen. For example - you fly across a burning building in suicide slums, but Metallo it terrorizing the business district uptown, and the fire-fighters are stuck in traffic 4 blocks away. You can deal with the fire yourself while Metallo continues to destroy the city, and thus lower the "City Health" meter, or you can pick up the fire truck, place them at the fire, and then rush off to deal with the larger threats that take a "super" touch. By making Metropolis the center of attention, Superman Returns: The Video Game aims to deliver on their promise of letting the player be Superman like never before. Stay tuned to Superman Booth in the coming weeks for more coverage of the game and it's development.
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